Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Workflow default Parameters

workflow has following process properties by default :

1.Object Id : This is the id of primary BC of BO.Every time it takes only id of primary BC.no matter from where you are invoking this.For example , you can invoke a wf through named methode from any child BC.but it will take ID of primary BC.

2. Siebel Operation Object Id : it shows the Row_Id of current BC on which WF is executing.

3.Process Instance Id : this is not very significant.It is Id of Process only.
Tejeshwer said...
Process Instance Id is comes very handy when you need to generate a random number or co relation id.

and i think it is the same id that is used to identify workflow process in the instance monitor.

4.Error Code : this is just error code .

5.Error Messages : Show detail error with error code.

1 comment:

  1. Process Instance Id is comes very handy when you need to generate a random number or co relation id.

    and i think it is the same id that is used to identify workflow process in the instance monitor.
