Showing posts with label Table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Table. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Table Apply Activate issue in Siebel Tool

Table Apply Activation Issue in Siebel Tool :

Some time when we do Table Apply Activate, Siebel tool hangs and required restart.
Few times, It hangs each and every time.

So you can use following approach to avoid it.

1. Do spool and check which column(Column_Name) is not present in underline database.

2. Find out table(Table_Name).

3. Simply run following sql statement with DBO privilege.
Alter Table Siebel.Table_Name
Add Column_Name DATA_TYPE

Data_Type could be Varchar, Date etc. Take data_type as per requirement.
It works fine.
As per my understanding above is good approach to avoid siebel hang on Table Apply.

Your feed back would be appreciable.