Saturday, November 14, 2009

Error :The user Id or password that you entered incorrect

Hi ,
Recently , I got a error message when I opend my dedicated client.
Error : 'The user Id or password that you entered incorrect.Spelling...'
Solution : LocalDbODBCDataSource parameter in cfg file needs to be updated and also provide your user Id and password on System DSN level.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dhanish,

    I had also the same issues logging into my local data source. I looked at my cfg file and the value of LocalDbODBCDataSource is
    LocalDbODBCDataSource = SEAW Local Db default instance

    This is my configuration file

    RepositoryFile = siebel_sia.srf
    ApplicationName = Siebel Public Sector
    ApplicationTitle = Siebel Public Sector
    ApplicationSplashText = Siebel Public Sector
    Vertical = SIA
    ComponentName = Siebel Public Sector
    ShowMessageBar = User Enabled
    MessageBarUpdateInterval = 120
    DataSource = Local
    ClientRootDir = D:\Siebel\\Client_1
    TempDir = D:\Siebel\\Client_1\temp
    JTCHelpURL = $(JTCHelpURL)
    Version = 100
    ClientFileServSupport = TRUE
    MultiCurrency = TRUE
    EnableScripting = TRUE
    EnableOLEAutomation = TRUE
    OLEAutomationDLL = sscfole.dll
    JseCorbaConnector = %JSECORBACONNECTOR%
    ReportsODBCDataSource = Siebel Reports: Access
    ServerDbODBCDataSource = SEAW SBA_82
    DockRepositoryName = Siebel Repository
    HoldExportOdbcConnection = FALSE
    LocalDbODBCDataSource = SEAW Local Db default instance
    LargeFont = Verdana-8-normal
    SmallFont = Verdana-8-normal
    DefaultChartFont = Verdana-10-normal
    NavBarItemFont = Verdana-8-bold
    NavBarSelectFont = Verdana-8-bold
    NavBarTitleFont = Verdana-10-bold
    AppletTitleFont = Verdana-10-bold
    Language = DEU
    SrvrUpdateInterval = 60
    SrvrTimeOutInterval = 600
    EnablePersonalization = TRUE
    PersonalizationLog =
    DocumentIntegrator =
    WebClientSiteDir = D:\Siebel\\Client_1\public\deu
    AccessDir = $(AccessRoot)
    SearchEngine = Fulcrum
    SearchDefName = Call Center Definition
    SearchInstallDir = $(SearchInstallDir)
    RemoteSearchServer = True
    RemoteSearchServerPath = frankfurtcrm01/tcp2048
    EnableFQDN = TRUE
    ;;Resource language = ENU

    ;FQDN =
    ; UsernameBCField =

    RequestServerName = frankfurtcrm01

    Docked = FALSE
    ConnectString = D:\Siebel\\Tools_1\local\sse_data.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c15p -ch25p
    TableOwner = SIEBEL

    DLL = sscdw9.dll
    SqlStyle = Watcom
    MaxCachedCursors = 16
    MaxCachedDataSets = 16
    ReverseFillThreshold = 100
    CaseInsensitive = TRUE
    DockTxnsPerCommit = 500
    DockConnString = frankfurtcrm01
    ChartServer = localhost:8001
    ChartImageFormat = png
    AutoStopDB = FALSE
    EnterpriseServer = SBA_82
    UseCachedExternalContent = TRUE

    Could you help me please? Thanks
