Sunday, November 6, 2011

Siebel Hierarchical Pick list by using List Of Values Dynamic (REL)

1.Create Pick List for Field1

Name: Pick List Field1 Demo
BusComp: PickList Generic
Type Value: FIELD1_DEMO

2. Create Pick List for Field2

Name: Pick List Field2 Demo
BusComp: List Of Values Dynamic (REL)

"List Of Values Dynamic (REL)" business component has fields named "Parent Value" and "Parent Type".

Search Specification: [Parent Type] = ' FIELD1_DEMO'
Type Value: FIELD2_DEMO

3. Configure Siebel FIELD1 on  business component

Name: FIELD1
Immediate Post Change: TRUE
This property needs to be set to TRUE for parent field.
Picklist: Pick List Field1 Demo

Field: Field1
Picklist Field: Value

Field: Field2
PickList Field: NULL (leave this field as blank).

(This pick map is configured to set the  Field2 to NULL Field1 is changed)

4. Configure Field2 on business component

Name: Field2
Picklist: Pick List Field2 Demo

Field: Field1
Constrain: TRUE
This property is set to constrain Filed2 by Field1.
Picklist Field: Parent Value

Field: Field2
Picklist Field: Value

5. Compile the changes

6. Set up the Parent/Child List of Value (LOV) relationship between field1 and field2 at the client level. Without setting the Parent/Child relationship properly, the hierarchical Pick List does not work as expected. Please refer above image.

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