Monday, November 30, 2009

XML Basic

As per my understanding ,
1. XML is subset of SGML
2. IE4+ supports XML
3. Common logical Structure
4. Consist root element
5. Pro log of the XML doc contains instruction of handling the document.
6.XML syntex is case sensitive.
*Its good practice to include the XML version.

DTD: Contain rules that specify what element an xml doc contain, act as a template.

If XML doc does not refer any external DTD, then XML is stand alone.

We can have both external as well as internal DTD.Internal DTD is always being refereed first and it takes precedence first.

XML Contain : 1. Pro log 2. Root Element

Error In XML Doc: 1. Well Formed document 2.Valid Document

Well formed Document : Confirms the rule of XML syntex

Valid Doc : validate against DTD.

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